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Electronic/Electroacoustic Music
Kosmos App: IX Fortas
Music for mobile app (2021)
00:00 / 04:20
The Fort SiteNatalevičius
00:00 / 07:50
Music for instalation "Žuvusiems už meilę laisvei" (To Those who Died tor the Love of Freedom) (2020)
Kosmos App: Ramybės parkas (2019)
Music for mobile app
Ramybės parkasNatalevičius
00:00 / 02:41
Bucentaur (2017)
Sound for installation by Rimas Sakalauskas
Wolfenpedal (2016)
for violin and live electronics
Iron (2016)
for live electronics
The Weather Changes Every Five Minutes (2016)
for pipe organ and live electronics
All is Vanity (2015)
for live electronics
Asystole (2015)
for trumpet, 4 analog synths and tape
Inside (2013) for musical fountain and 8 channel audio from project "Music for Fountains"
Project "Ambientorg" (2012). Ambient music for pipe organ and electronics (with Tadas Dailyda and Lukrecija Petkutė)
Audiovisual project with 3D mapping "Voice is A Drone" (2012) (with Rimas Sakalauskas)
Filtered String (2012)
Insanitus Festival 2012 (Lithuania)
Sound for Rimas Sakalauskas exterior 3D mapping installation
A440 (2010) for 4 sine wave oscillators and quadrophonic sound sytem
Ex Nihilo (2010) for modular synthesizer
Non-lyrical Landscape (2007) for male voices and tape
The Solar Wind (2007)
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